!!!It starts with asking!!!
Alpine FoundationOUR MISSION
The Alpine School District Foundation works to ensure that the educators and students in the District have access to the resources needed for exceptional and transformational educational experiences. Always say thank youSay Thank You! Sincerely!
Regardless of the amount donated it's critical to reach out and acknowledge donations that parents and businesses make to our classroom. It's a simple sign of respect. If we do not express gratitude, the message received is that their donation did not matter, and/or may not have been received. People donate for many reasons, sometimes it's a simply as looking for recognition, respect and appreciation. When all is said and done don't forget to say thank you! Examples of teacher requests for donationsThere's no need to rewrite the wheel, check out what some of your peers are doing to solicit classroom donations and see if it will work for you.
matching fundsOftentimes, educational institutions have avid supporters who make major donations. However, because of the multitude of guidelines surrounding eligible organizations. pinpointing which employers will match these donations can be difficult.
If your school is fortunate enough to have a large donor base, make sure you’re researching large employers in your area. To revamp your fundraising strategy, you’ll need to raise awareness and make it easy for donors to submit match requests. Companies with matching fundsIt all starts with recognizing the incredible corporate matching gift programs out there,some of the more common include: