Driven 2 Teach
D2T MidAtlantic Region
Itinerary 2024 Mid-Atlantic
Assignments 2024 Mid-Atlantic
Please complete the following survey to ensure the Technology I INSERVICE is offered within a time frame that best fits your needs
Technology I: Using Technology to IMprove Communication & Instruction
There have been numerous requests to offer a second Using Technology to Improve Communication & Instruction course; provided the course fills (at least 10 applicants sign up via the district website) the instructor has been informed that ASD through SUU will approve the course. Given the late date and the approaching Holiday season, setting a date that
meets the needs of all participants is a little tricky. This survey is designed to help the instructor choose the best time, days and dates in which to hold the course.
Indicates required field
WHen would you prefer to take the course? What are the best times & Days?
The Technology I course is a one credit course, offered through SUU. To receive college credit (necessary for lane changes) the course
must provide 15 hours of instructional time
. Please note; however the time tends to go quickly as the majority of time is spent hands-on, working on the skills that are taught. When finished with the course you should have a fully functioning website, that includes the majority of your assignments and student resources.
How soon would you prefer to take the course?
I hope to have my website ready for 2nd Semester. The sooner the better
I can wait until next year- January or February work for me.
I would like to be finished before Christmas break.
What weekdays work best for you?
Tuesday afternoon only
Wednesday afternoon only
Thursday afternoon only
Tuesday & Wedesday
Tuesday & Thursday
Wednesday & Thursday
Let's get it done- I can make room on all three days
What days would you prefer to meet?
Weekday afternoons only.
Saturdays only.
A combination of weekday afternoon and Saturdays.
If meeting on weekday afternoons, what block of time works best for you?
Weekday afternoons 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Weekday afternoons 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Just get er' done Weekday afternoons 4:00-8:00 p.m.
How long would you like to take to complete the course?
I would prefer to complete the entire course in one week. Note should you choose this option it will mean meeting multiple weekdays and possibly on Saturday.
I would prefer to complete the course over a two week period.
I am planning on taking the following course(s)
Using Technology to Increase Communication and Improve Learning I: websites, texts, dojos
Using Technology to Increase student learning II: Podcasting, audio editing and uploading
Comments, Questions and concerns
Prior to submitting your survey, please take a moment to sign up, using the instructions below to receive text updates on this and other professional development opportunities. If you have questions or concerns regarding the course please feel free to express those below. The instructor will get back with you ASAP.
For updates on this and other professional development opportunities, follow the instructions on the left to receive updates and text messages.